
Free Periods Canada Partner Spotlight: April Edition

Welcome to the first edition of our partner spotlight blog!

April 30, 2024
Free Periods Canada Partner Spotlight: April Edition

FPC Partner Spotlight

Welcome to the first edition of our partner spotlight blog! This year, we are highlighting organizations across Canada who are involved in menstrual equity or gender justice work in various capacities. This is an opportunity to shed light on the incredible work being and to increase your capacity to engage in more advocacy work. Join us every month for a new blog post.

Fast and Female and Period Priority Project

In the dynamic world of menstrual equity, advocacy and empowerment, two remarkable Canadian initiatives stand out—Fast and Female and the Period Priority Project. Both organizations share a common goal: empowering girls, women, and femme folks to thrive in their respective journeys, whether on the field or in everyday life.

Fast and Female: Celebrating Confidence and Inclusion

Fast and Female Logo

Fast and Female is a registered Canadian charity dedicated to empowering girls aged 8 to 20 through sports, physical activity, and education. At the heart of their mission is a commitment to inclusivity and gender equality within the sports world. Through comprehensive events and mentorship programs, Fast and Female provides girls with essential life skills, role models, and support to navigate challenges with confidence.

The organization's core values—empowerment, inclusion, authenticity, movement, collaboration, and learning—are not just words but guiding principles that shape their programs and partnerships. From mentorship programs to leadership summits, Fast and Female creates safe, supportive environments that nurture confidence and leadership skills among young athletes.

One standout initiative is the REAL (Relatable, Empowered, Active Leaders) Role Model mentorship program. This program pairs girls with accomplished women in sports, offering guidance and inspiration that transcends the playing field, resulting in personal growth and community support.

Through testimonials, interviews, and social media features, Fast and Female amplifies the voices and experiences of girls and women in sports, showcasing inspiring journeys and achievements that inspire others.

Period Priority Project: Championing Menstrual Equity

Period Priority Project Logo

On another front, the Period Priority Project is making waves in Newfoundland and Labrador by tackling menstrual health challenges and advocating for menstrual equity. Founded by Leisha Toory, Period Priority is the first woman-of-colour led initiative of its kind in the region, dedicated solely to advancing menstrual health.

Period Priority’s achievements are impressive—distributing over 24,000 menstrual products, conducting educational presentations, and advocating for policies that ensure free access to period products in public buildings. By sharing real-life testimonials from beneficiaries like Choices for Youth NL and Iris Kirby House, Period Priority ensures that the voices of those they serve are central to their storytelling and communication efforts.

Period Priority has taken their mission directly into schools, conducting presentations on period poverty and menstrual equity. Their digital resource bank, comprising presentations and menstrual health handbooks, serves as a valuable tool for spreading knowledge.

Currently, they’re co-authoring a groundbreaking 'Period Priority Anthology' with Rhea Rollmann, welcoming submissions from individuals of all backgrounds and identities. This anthology aims to elevate marginalized voices and break the silence surrounding menstruation.

What connects Fast and Female and the Period Priority Project is a shared commitment to empowerment, inclusivity, and amplifying marginalized voices. Both organizations actively involve community members in their efforts, inviting volunteers to become role models, participate in events, or contribute financially to support their missions.

As we celebrate the achievements of Fast and Female and Period Priority, we invite you to join us in championing empowerment and inclusivity. Whether you're passionate about sports, menstrual equity, or both, there are countless ways to get involved and make a difference.

How You Can Participate

  • Period Priority: Get involved with Period Priority by hosting a period products drive for their community. Simply email or send a message on Instagram and they will walk you through the whole outline of organizing a drive and even send over social media materials to promote your period drive!
  • Keep up with them them on social media:

Original article written by: Kaminda Musumbulwa on April 30th, 2024
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